introduction of a company

Introduction of Noshdaro Tosun Salamat Company – Helsi Herbal Medicine

After years of research and scientific-practical research, finally in 2002, “Tousan Salamat Pharmaceutical Company” – Halsi herbal medicine was registered and found the honor of honest service. And since the members of this company have been experts, doctors and specialists by selecting the best herbs and taking into account the appropriate dosage of their effective ingredients and predicting different conditions and mixtures in patients and also knowing about other related knowledge. To traditional medicine and modern medicine, it has been able to provide products that show positive and significant effects to solve people’s problems and effective steps towards serving the creation and solving therapeutic problems under the shadow of using the wisdom found in plants, from God’s creation. Take the sage.

It should be noted that the respected managing director of Tosun Salamat Pharmaceutical Company, Dr. Hadi Gholami, the author of the book ((A Commentary on the Basic Sciences of the Law)) with a brilliant record of teaching temperament and the basics of traditional medicine for at least three years at Hasheminejad University affiliated to Jihad Agriculture and 15 years Professional training of the community of pharmacists of the Mashhad Medicinal Plants Union, who directly and seriously, before the establishment of the company, were busy visiting patients and treating them using traditional medicine measures. Therefore, it can be said that the formulas and products offered And registered from this company with the support of 15 years of use on animal and then human samples, it has been available to dear and honorable people. The founder and managers of the company have always tried in line with an experimental-scientific goal to be able to convey the valuable resources of the land of Iran to the belief of the dear youth and the future generations of this border and region.


Helsi Daro products collection


Helsey Daro therapeutic packs collection