Ingredients: Achillea millefolium , Honey
Active Ingredients: Essential oils (chamazulene, Pro chamazulene, Azulene, cineole, Terpineol Thujone, Sesquiterpene, carvacrol), glycoside alkaloid ,glycosides cyanogenic, Isovaleric acid, salicylic acid, bitter substances, flavonoid , Betonicine and stachydrine, Quercetin), tannin
Indications: Repellent all kinds of gestrointestinal worms
Dosage and administration: Take 2 tablets every 6 hours with a little honey syrup.
Side effects: in case of long term use and out of therapeuticdose , it is harmfull to the kidney , witch is corrected by anise
Recommended tips: Maximum consumption is 5-10 days. Low interactions: antacids, H2 blockers and PPIs such as omeprazole, etc. Moderate interactions: lithium, barbiturates and anticoagulants and antiplateletsStop taking the drug two weeks before surgery due to the antiplatelet effects of yarrow.
Contraindications and precautions: In people who are bleeding and have ulcerative colitis, and in people who are taking blood thinners during pregnancy and lactation.
Pharmacological effects and mechanism of action MOA:
iseases of microbial and fungal origin are among the most well-known diseases that have always plagued humans. The components of this product show a high percentage of antimicrobial and antifungal compounds. In the essential oil of this product, there are antimicrobial phenolic compounds including camazoline, procamazoline, azuline, cineole, tripeneol, thogen, sesquiterpene, simene, carvacrol. Yarrow is known as an anti-parasitic herb. Plant flavonoids and phenolic compounds are the most active substances. It seems that the anti-Limnatis nilotica ofararrow effects are a result of the cumulative effect of several active ingredients and achiline, thujone, eugenol, xanol and terpinol. More than other anti-parasitic elements, apagenin, luteolin and quercetin are found as the main compounds of Yarrow and in 7-O-glucoside and 7-malonyl glycoside forms. In other words, Apigenin, Luteolin and Quercetin are more effective on creams. Therefore, the anti-jamming effects are definite. Apart from flavonoids, among the active elements, saponins and essential oils of terpinol, cineol, and sesquaterpene have more antiparasitic effects than other substances.
In laboratory conditions, the biological activities of A. millefolium against the parasite Babesia canis have been proven. Babesia canis is a parasite that infects red blood cells and can lead to anemia.
Pharmacological effect of this product from the perspective of traditional medicine: From the point of view of the basics of traditional medicine, a combination that has the three characteristics of bitterness, grade 3 heat and the lethality of the worm, can eliminate all types of long, circular, small worms. On the other hand, traditional medicine claims that among the mixtures, only phlegm sputum is considered as the main natural substance for worm production. When the phlegm accumulates in the intestines and becomes rotten and permanent, it provides the conditions for the worm to form he cause of phlegm, including the type of food (phlegm-making foods that include soft and viscous foods such as wheat, beans, single flour, raw and uncooked meat, vegetables, wet fruits, edible food, fatty foods, After a meal with warm water, bathing or after a meal and sexual intercourse, taking a bath and having sex, the abnormal filling of the gastrointestinal tract, the inability of the digestive system to digest food, the cold temper of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
The reason for the difference between worms in terms of size and volume, the material from which they are produced and the place where they are created. Long worms are formed from moisture that cannot be separated and divided in the liver, which is formed in the upper intestine, and small worms are the result of the moisture that the liver constantly absorbs from it. The remaining infectious material is highly polluted. It is formed from moisture inside the rectum and colon, and wide, cylindrical worms are born from the viscous substance attached to the surface of the intestine. This anti-parasitic product with 3 degrees of heat and 1 degree of dryness, high bitterness, worming power has been approved and is able to completely cleanse the stomach and intestines
2.PubMed/ In vitro antioxidant and antibabesial activities of the extracts of Achillea millefolium/2019
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