Cucurbita pepo , Sesamum indicum
Active Ingredients: Syringic acid. Glucoside cucurbitane. Vitamins A, C, E. Alkaloids. Tannin. Fats. Fiber. Minerals such as Ca, Co, Br, Mg. Zn. K. P.Fe. Tocopherols. Fatty acids
Anti-itching, eczema and heat-induced inflammation (all types of skin disorders that have an inflammatory process and heat inside and outside all organs of the body.)
Dosage and administration: Depending on the size of the affected area, apply a small amount of oil .
Side effects:
No side effects have been reported
Recommended tips:
The duration of treatment is until the complete disappearance of symptoms and even one month after that. you can apply a good amount on the skin 2 or 3 times a day and massage.
Pharmacological effects and mechanism of action MOA: Eczema is an inflammation of the outer surface of the skin characterized by symptoms such as itching, redness, scaling or inflammation. Eczema is divided into acute, subacute and chronic types. Of course, the wide range of treatment of this product is for any type of allergy and not only related to the skin. Allergy is a severe reaction of the body's immune system to various factors. Tocopherol is a lipophilic antioxidant. The amount of tocopherol in pumpkin seed oil is 280 mg/kg. This concentration is comparable to olive oil, which varies between 125 and 250 mg/kg. By determining the composition and content of tocopherols, fatty acids and phytosterols, the excellent quality of pumpkin oil with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid: 88.50+0.106 grams of 100 grams of total fatty acids), tocopherols (280 ppm) ) and sterols (5.2086+19.092 ppm). The high content of these bioactive components was in agreement with wound healing. After the initiation of peroxidation, lipids after radical attack, tocopherol, which is known as a lipid diffusion inhibitor, transfers its hydrogen and thereby reduces ROS radicals. In fact, the antioxidant activity of tocopherols is due to the modification of peroxyl radicals by implementing their functional radical to form the tocofuxyl radical. Therefore, it is the only fat-soluble antioxidant that provides this protection. In addition, the lipid in pumpkin is very effective in skin diseases. Recently, pumpkin seed oil has been investigated for its beneficial skin effects in deep second-degree burns. The presence of phenolic compounds in the methanol extract of Cucurbita pepo Linn. Can be responsible for anti-inflammatory properties in both acute and chronic inflammation. One of them is quercetin, which by reducing the release of antibodies, especially from granulocytes, inhibits the production of histamine and prevents the accumulation of leukocytes and reduces the production of inflammatory cytokine molecules, and also with the presence of The escape of beta-carotene causes a change in the expression of cytokines It suppresses MMP-9 matrix metapeptidase from the zinc metalloprotease family, which plays a role in the destruction of body cells and increases Fila Green - a protein rich in histidine, which is involved in the metabolism of amino acids that are effective in maintaining the pH gradient of the epidermis. give The arrangement inhibits inflammation in many different dimensions and controls the related disease.
Pharmacological effect of this product from the perspective of traditional medicine:
This disease or the phlegm of the blood mixes with the phlegm of the bile and almost reaches the degree that it turns into a soda substance or a part of it turns into a soda substance. Or the blood mixes with salty phlegm, the first case is the dry type and the second case is the milder type. "Cleansing the body" from the pungent phlegm of burnt temper and salty phlegm is the first and most important treatment (laxative). In the second stage, "nutrition therapy" is extremely effective (the food should be moist and cool and produce fresh blood; emollient oils such as anti-eczema oil, almond oil, sesame oil, watermelon, chicory, lettuce, prunes) , Sekanjabin, Shahtare soup, Halileh jam, juniper juice, sour pomegranate, sour cow flavored yogurt) and in the third stage "moisturizing" (injections, scents, relaxation, sleep, moisturizing medicine and food - anti-eczema oil - Bathing for a short time with a non-hungry stomach and with lukewarm water, contact with cooling agents that collect moisture, contact with things that have gentle heat and circulate moisture. Finally, if the problem is incurable, cupping Both the legs and the cupping of the hakka, three times in a row, are very beneficial.
References: 1-PMC/Review of Medicinal Remedies on Hand Eczema Based on Iranian Traditional Medicine: A Narrative Review Article/216 2-PMC/Oil from pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds: evaluation of its functional properties on wound healing in rats/2016 3-Searchgate/Effect of different doses of Cucurbita pepo linn extract as an anti-Inflammatory and analgesic nutraceautical agent on inflamed rats/2011
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