Ingredients :     Anethum graveolens ، Olea europaea

Active Ingredients: Fatty oils, proteins, carbohydrates, furanocoumarin, polyphenols, mineral land, furanocoumarin, polyphenols and minerals, mineral elements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamin A and niacin, caron, limonene, α- Flandrene, including pinene, di-arpene, dihydrocarone, cineole, myrcene, paramyrcene, dilapiol, iso-myristicin, myristicin, myristicin, apiol and dilapiol. Anthum gorvalensense oil also contains furanocoumarin, 5-(4"-hydroxy-3"methyl-2"-butenyloxy)-6,7-furocoumarin, oxyposidanine, oxyposidanine hydrate and falcarindil

 Indications: Useful in all kinds of bone and muscle pain - back disc - sciatica - joints_Gives strength and warmth

Dosage and administration: Depending on the size of the spot, apply some oil on the spot and wrap the spot with a warm cloth

Side effects: No specific side effects have been reported

Recommended tips: You can gently massage the target body every 20 minutes using a hair dryer and oil, then completely wipe with a cloth.

Close the position and keep it warm until the next time. This procedure can be repeated 2 to 3 times a day.

Contraindications and precautions: Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women

Pharmacological effectsand mechanism of action MOA: Phytochemicals with known pathways include: limonene and carone, limonene exerts its effect through the center, and carone has a more peripheral effect than limonene: limonene suppresses the central nervous system (CNS) by reducing the release of the inflammatory neurotransmitter serotonin. It has been shown that it reduces prostaglandin and the feeling of pain is reduced (either emotional components with prostaglandin receptors of serotonergic cells EP3 or sensory components with E2 sensory receptors), but Karon reduces pain through environmental mechanisms with two methods: First, local conduction blockage with the  channel block; Sodium by changing the voltage and  ion-membrane channels with the effect of forming an ion coordination complex and inhibiting two cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX I, II) that prevent prostaglandin formation. And another effect of Karon is through reducing massage-related pain through relaxing muscles, tendons, joints and through reducing stress and anxiety. Also, by stimulating competing nerve cells that prevent signaling from the organ to the brain and from the brain to the organ.


 Pharmacological effect  of this product from the perspective of traditional medicine:

In the third technique, one of the four techniques of Islamic medicine, which examines the diseases of the body parts, under the pain of the external parts of the body, diseases such as back pain, groin pain, joint pain, sciatica pain are mentioned. In the etiology of such pains regardless of anatomical causes (abnormalities, deformities, tears, dysplasia) and environmental causes (excessive fatigue, excessive sexual intercourse, etc.) and underlying disease (disorders in the urinary, reproductive, respiratory system); Bad mood and putrid phlegm are responsible for the formation of the disease. Coldness and accumulation of raw phlegm, back pain and groin pain occur, but the cause of joint pain, sciatica pains in order of priority; Phlegm with bile, raw phlegm, bloody phlegm, bilious phlegm, and rarely soda. If raw sputum accumulates in the body and the nature of the body does not clean it or it is not cleaned by medicine and the sputum enters the joints, joint pain is certain, in this case the urine will be dilute and the sputum causing joint pain is mostly waste and useless substances in the body. Digestion will be second and third. Treatment in traditional medicine according to the causes includes: topical, oral, mostly with the aspect of cleansing, for example, the use of laxatives, venipuncture (fasd).


1. PMC/ Prostaglandin-mediated inhibition of serotonin signaling controls the affective component of inflammatory pain


3. Sciencedirect/ Caron essential oil



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