Yarabon Sachet

Ingredients:Lepidium sativum

 Active Ingredients: Alpha-linolenic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, common antioxidants stearic, oleic, linolenic ,  Arashidic, Banik, Ligenoseric Benzyl  Isothiocyanate, Benzyl Cyanide, Stroll, Cytosteroles.palmetic stearic oleic linolenic arachidic acid,lignoceric acids

Indications: Causes menstruation. (Ovarian strengthening; menstruation regulation and regularity)

Dosage and administration: Drink the contents of 1 sachet daily with half a glass of warm water.

Side effects: No side effects  have been reported

Recommended tips: This product is also used to treat fibroids and myomas.It is better to add a little honey. And in acute cases of retention, 1-2 sachets can be consumed every 8 hours.

Contraindications and precautions: Pregnancy and lactation.

Pharmacological effects and mechanism of action MOA: Perhaps a decade or two has not passed since the days when the world of medicine, despite the fact that some plants had certain properties and effects in solving the problems of the reproductive system of women, but because they did not believe in the metabolic and microscopic traces, even in scientific circles many times with They were asked in disbelief, does the plant have hormones? But like a very basic issue today, everyone knows sterols; There are organic molecules that are called phytostrol in plants and sostrol in animals. Three important actions of phytosterols: an important role in the stability of the cell membrane and since this molecule is very similar to the cholesterol molecule and has only a minor change in the 24 chain, like cholesterol it is a precursor of steroid hormones and under the influence of the C7 reductase enzyme it becomes Progesterone is C21 and estrogen is C19. But because of the same minor change in the structure, unlike cholesterol, when it enters the body, not only does the blood cholesterol level not rise, but it also reduces plasma cholesterol through the reduction of intestinal cholesterol absorption. In the industry, using raw materials such as Steroidal saponins can also reach C21 steroids. Also, by using yeast as a proven producer, it is a definite and constant producer of internal sterols, which under the effect of C7 reductase enzyme, becomes estrogen and progesterone. In addition to flavonoids, this product contains important phytochemicals, especially quercetin. The alkaloid is sinapinic acid and choline ether, both of which have the ability to produce E2 type estrogen, and as the level of estrogen increases, the uterine wall becomes thicker and the blood flow increases, which is a manifestation of ovarian strengthening. On the other hand, the product contains fatty acids, oleic acid strengthens E2, and linoleic acid has an agonistic effect on estrogen receptors, and in any case, E2 has positive medicinal effects on harmful fatty acids, DRUG-EFFECT. We call the product as ovarian enhancement because during a sexual cycle the effects of estrogen are very key. Estradiol causes the maturation of follicles and the release of ovum or ovulation and the thickening of the uterine wall because the egg is fertilized. In the uterine wall (Fertilized egg implantation). Given that estrogen helps to grow and maintain the reproductive system and causes the emergence of female characteristics (female characteristic) such as the growth of breasts, hips and hair and causes bone health, helping to It dilates and softens the cardiovascular system by reducing LDL and increasing HDL and increasing blood flow and vessels, and the blood flow becomes smooth.

Pharmacological effect of this product from the perspective of traditional medicine: This product, by having a suitable nature in terms of warmth and humidity, puts the uterus  in a very favorable condition, and on the other hand, by having the properties or  attributes of "cross-section", "Softener", "solvent" and "Bathing", menstrual effects and  ovarian strengthening And increase sexual desire, as well as the elimination of menopausal  symptoms and infertility treatment.

 References: 1.Researchgate/ Effects of dietary inclusion of Lepidium sativum (garden cress) seed on plasma luteinizing hormone and eproductive performance in female rabbits 2273 2.Researchgate/ Effects of dietary inclusion of Lepidium sativum (garden cress) seed on plasma luteinizing hormone and reproductive 4performance in female rabbits

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