Varuamas Tablet

Ingredients: Althea lavateriflora

 Active Ingredients: Flavonoids, caffeine, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, isoquercitrin, coumarins , phytosterols, tannins, amino acids, galactorrhoeic acid polysaccharides, arabinan, glucan and arabinogalactan. Hyaluronic acid, hydrophilic, starch, pectins, saccharose

Indications: Anti-colits and anti-itching and eczema

Dosage and administration: Take 3 tablets in glass of soaked water according to your instructins doctor’s.

Side effects: If used outside of therapeutic doses, it is harmful to the stomach and lungs

Recommended tips: If you feel discomfort in the stomach or lungs, take it with barberry syrup or honey syrup or fennel powder. in acute and serere cases , take up to 4 tablets.

Contraindications and precautions: Pregnancy and lactation 

Pharmacological effects and mechanism of action MOA: Due to the components of the product and the existence of secondary metabolits  and bioactive components including flavonoids, terpenes, mucilages, anthocyanins, phytosterols, coumarins, fatty acids and antioxidants, this product is able to treat all inflammatory diseases from Alzheimer's (neuroinflammation--Vascular) to best manage the treatment path for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and atopic dermatitis, either through oral or local treatment, this product blocks the entire path of inflammation with 23 terpenes, including limonene: by controlling the release of ROS (Radicaloxigen species inhibiting the inflammatory enzyme lipoxygenase and inhibiting the generation of inflammatory signals in the pre-osteoblast cell line and controlling autophagic activity and aphapinene and 3-caren (blockers of neuroinflammation through modulating the benzodiazepine receptor) correct the normal sleep pattern that has become abnormal during the process of inflammation and disease Caryophyllene terpene is another terpene that suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines and suppresses inflammatory mediators COX, iNOS, and inhibits transcription factor, prevents the expression of inflammatory cytokines and causes the differentiation of immune cells towards the development of an anti-inflammatory phenotype. Go ahead and... in addition to terpenes, it is a strong antioxidant called  : Tocopherol, which has chelating properties, modifies the peroxyl free radical and the process of inflammation caused by oxidative stress prevent and by having phytosterols, it reduces the cytokine called C-reactive protein, which is effective in suppressing inflammation.  And with mucilage, tannin and quercetin, it manages the suppression of internal inflammation, while Althea is the best anti-inflammatory drug. Especially the treatment of intestinal inflammation has reached global stabilization.

Pharmacological effect of this product from the perspective of traditional medicine: Inflammation in traditional medicine, both in internal organs and on the body surface, have almost the same etiology and as a result, the treatment is almost the same, which is the cause of acute tender blood mixed with thick soda or thick moisture and inflammatory salty phlegm. In this disease, either blood phlegm is mixed with bile phlegm and it almost reaches the point where it turns into a soda  substance or a part of it becomes a soda substance. Or the blood mixes with salty phlegm, the first  case is the dry type and the second case is the wet type. This product is able to carry out the healing  process alone by cleaning the body from defective phlegm and with its cold and moist nature, it  completes it by creating a suitable moisture, and in the clinical trial of thousands of years in  traditional medicine, which is now more and more in modern medicine. It has been scientifically  proven that the use of this group of medicinal plants, including Althea, by massaging, due to the  presence of bioactive components that have the power to pass through the epidermal permeability  barrier, can reach the internal organs (intestine) and Suppress inflammation.

 References: 1-PubMed/Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oxidative Effects of Phytohustil® and Root Extract of Althaea officinalis L. on Macrophages in vitro/2020 2-ResearchGate /Unani perspective of Khatmi (Althaea officinalis)/2016

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