Ingredients:Lavandula stoechas, honey , Acacia arabica
Active Ingredients:Essential oils (α-pinene, camphene, β Myrcene , p-cymene, limonene, Cineol, Linalool ,Monoterpene, Terpenoid, Linalyl acetate, Geraniol, Borneol) , flavonoid, alkaloid saponin anethole.isivalerianic asid
Indications:Useful in sadness Melancholic obsession (with symptoms such as anxiety, apprehension, stress, sudden and severe anxiety, palpitations due to anxiety)
Dosage and administration:Take 3 to 4 tablets with half a glass of honey syrup one hour before bedtime.
Side effects:If you experience an unpleasant feeling (thirst and nausea), drink a glass of
Recommended tips:For people with biliary temperament, be sure to consume one to two glasses of Sekanjabin syrup daily in addition to medication, and also this product in doses higher than therapeutic uses and long-term consumption can cause thirst, nausea.
Contraindications and precautions:Pregnancy
Pharmacological effects and mechanism of action MOA:Anxiety is one of the uprising psychiatric disorders of the last decades and lavender administration has been traditionally suggested as a possible treatment. Anxiety disorders are twice as common in women as in men . . In general, anxiety disorders share features of excessive fear and anxiety, as well as of related behavioral disturbances. While fear is the emotional response to an imminent threat, characterized by an acute autonomic system activation, anxiety is better described as the “anticipation of a future threat”. In clinical practice, first-line treatments for anxiety are lifestyle changes, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Benzodiazepines are also very effective anxiolytic drugs, but their use can lead to adverse effects like cognitive impairment, falls, sedation, as well as dependence, tolerance, rebound anxiety, and discontinuation syndrome, so they are not considered a good first-line treatment option . In in-vivo pharmacodynamic experiments, lavender showed sedative effects. Potentiation effects of lavender essential oil and some of its constituents on GABA receptors were also reported in other research works (Aoshima and Hamamoto, 1999; Cavanagh and Wilkinson, 2002), and interactions of linalool with the glutamatergic system and the NMDA receptor were described by several authors too (Aprotosoaie et al., 2014; Elisabetsky et al., 1999, 1995; Schuwald et al., 2013; Silva Brum et al., 2001). The anxiolytic properties of lavender may be due to the fact that its main constituents can antagonize the NMDA-receptor and inhibit the SERT (López et al., 2017). Lavender essential oil was also reported to inhibit tension-dependent calcium channels in murine synaptosomes, primary hippocampal neurons and specific cell lines (Schuwald et al., 2013) Another possible mechanism of action can be mediated by the 5HT-1A receptor in specific areas (hippocampus, anterior cingulate cortex, temporal gyrus, fusiform gyrus, insula), through a general reduction of its expression and binding potential (Baldinger et al., 2015). This effect would be in common with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), although the mechanism by which this effect is produced differs between the two (Baldinger et al., 2015; Kraus et al., 2014) Due to the side effects of chemical synthetic drugs recommended in the treatment of anxiety, this product with the mechanism of effects known in the authoritative scientific sources can be used to treat anxiety without any side effects.
Pharmacological effect of this product from the perspective of traditional medicine:From the point of view of the basics of traditional medicine; In this complication, the Mental oremotional state comes out of the natural duct because the prevailing cold and dry temperament is opposed to the psyche, and if left untreated, it becomes mania because the root of bothsoda is burned. This disease-causing sodaY or an abnormal soda, or a phlegm that has turned from a condensate into a soda, or blood that has become a soda substance from overcrowding or cooking without burning, or a biliary sputum that has reached the tip of a burn. Any type of soda that reaches a certain place in the brain takes thought out of the normal way. This product is able to cleanse the brain of all rotten impurities and restore the moderate temperament of the brain, where stability and moderation prevail in thought and thinking
References:1-Holistic Mental Health- Revised: A Comparison of Traditional and Alternative for mental disorders DR. DAVE DISANO 2-Sciencedirect/Effects of lavender on anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis/by D Donelli - 2019
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